Elite is Earned Report

The ELITEisEARNED Report offers detailed reports from across the country and Canada, led by Chris Hansen and his team of evaluators. NCAA Division I coaches are permitted to subscribe to this service for Women’s Basketball. To confirm approval, NCAA compliance officers and coaches may find this service on the list of under the new Recruiting/Scouting Services Portal upon approval. This link requires an NCAA login and is not available to the public. LINK (**Login Link TBA**). Subscribers will have reports sent directly to them from key events and exposure camps from across the country. Subscribers who take the Platinum package will also receive two reports a year from Canada in addition to the domestic reports. The 2021-22 Report will expire on August 15, 2022 and be renewable through the same date in successive years. 

Sign your college up today!

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    Email Address:*

    Phone Number:

    Scouting Tier:*
